Sunday, 15 January 2012

Initial Shot List

Below you can see a very roughly put together shot list, along with a transcript.

Shot 1 - Quote "exploration
Shot 2 - Montage of buildings
Shot 3 - Introduction - Urbex is.... Speech Shot > Voiceover
Shot 4 - Medium (/long) shot of protagonist on laptop
Shot 5 - Cut to information on pad close up
Shot 6 - 12 - Quick cuts of travelling via train
Shot 13 - E.S of SH
Shot 14 - HH continuous shot > walk over to Sam
Shot 15 - Focus on brick cracks Steady out of focus as we walk past
Shot 16 - HH Sam laughing as person walks past
Shot 17 - Quick cuts climbing in. Sam > Alex > Jack
Shot 18 - Jack on triangle "Come look at this" Me helping Jack over, Sam checking road
Shot 19 - Brought into focus, pans round gear, ends on me talking about hi vis jacket
"Cut out roof"
Shot 20 - Camera - steady - bottom/top of stairs
Sam me, walk up, climb up vents long shot Sam pulling me up
Shot 21 & 22 - Camera overlooking ledge & on ground running inside
Shot 23 - Sam walk past
Shot 24 - Jack's feet, HH running
Tilt up, cut > Sam looking over edge
Shot 25 - Sam jump off ladder, I walk down a few rungs
Shot 26 - In town ramp, walk past police
Shot 27 - Formal interview with Sam
Shot 28 - Interview with expert
CCTV archived footage
29 Quick Cuts - Climbing over gate, dropping down, walk towards wall
Shot 30 - Sam explains as we walk how to climb
Shot 31 - Steady climbing
Shot 32 - Tilt, climbing in
Shot 33 - Changing rooms, out onto swimming pool.

As you can see, this was a very rough plan which was later developed into a full storyboard, viewable in the next post.

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