Monday 19 December 2011

Initial Audience Research


Audience research is a crucial element involved in a media project, and is undertaken to establish who the audience of that project piece (i.e. a music video, short film or documentary) is. There are many audience research methodologies, and each can be categorised as either qualitative or quantitative.

Qualitative criteria cannot be measured; the quality of each criterion is subjective and can be rated differently dependent upon each observer's personal opinion. Qualitative research methods can come in many forms, including:

- Desk research, which involves textually analysing pieces which already exist.

- Open questions asked on a questionnaire, be it digital or paper.

- Interviews, either group or one-to-one.

- Focus groups, where a group of people discuss sample pieces.

- Observation.

Quantitative criteria, as opposed to qualitative criteria, are objective and can be measured. These methods involve:

- Closed questions on either a digital or paper questionnaire.

- Desk research, with regards to analysing figures.

Chosen Method of Audience Research and Justification

As I already delved extensively into the textual analysis of each format (short film, documentary and music video), and I needed to address a large group, I chose to create two questionnaires. The initial questionnaire will identify who the people completing the survey are, and their views on documentaries. The second will introduce the idea of urban exploration, and their opinions on that.

One of the main advantages to questionnaires is that the respondents have more time to think, and can complete them in their own time. It also allows a large, wide audience to be reached so that many people’s opinions are identified. However, I had to ensure that the questions I asked were all clear and easy to understand, as well as ensuring that I minimise the amount of open-ended questions, as these tend to be skipped.

What Do Questionnaire Results Tell Us?

What questionnaire results tell us is naturally dependent upon the questions it asks, twelve questions which the results of a questionnaire typically attempt to answer include:

1. How large is the audience - both as an average, and as the reach (number of different people)?

2. What kind of people make up the audience? How do they differ from the whole population - e.g. in terms of age group, sex, occupation, etc?

3. Where is your audience? In each part of your coverage area, what percentage of the population are members of your audience?

4. When does your audience use your publication (or tune into your station) - what time of day, what day of week, etc?

5. How do your audience members spend their time? How much of their time is spent being part of your audience, and how much with your competitors?

6. What type of content (e.g. radio and TV programs, newspaper articles) interests your audience most - and least?

7. What styles of presentation do your audience prefer, and what styles do they dislike?

8. Which activities, attitudes, and other effects do your publications cause among your audience?

9. How will your audience react to a new kind of program or article that you might introduce?

10. How can you increase your audience? Is it best to try to find new listeners? Or to bring lapsed listeners back? Or to persuade existing listeners to spend more time with your broadcasts?

11. What percentage of the population in your area knows about your station - and how much do they know about it?

12. What is preventing people from using your service as much as they might?

Clearly there are a lot of questions, sub-questions and potentially more here, and a questionnaire would have to be tediously long to answer them all.

My Predicted Target Audience

Due to the topic of my documentary, I predict that my target audience will primarily be young, possibly between the ages of 16 and 24. Having already researched the topic of Urban Exploration, my original thoughts that it was mostly a male community were wrong; the numbers are actually a lot more even, something like 60-40. As for their education, I don’t think that their level of schooling received will have a giant effect on how interested they are in this subject, however I do think that they will have received at least college-level education.

Results of Questionnaire

Analysis of Results

This survey was posted to a sub-forum specifically created to discuss media pieces on popular social news website, where 43 people completed it. Questions 1, 2 and 3 were asked to identify who the people completing the questionnaire were. The results show that the respondents were a very even mix between male and female, however the age range wasn’t very sparse, with 80% being between the ages of 16-24. The level of education was primarily university degree level, however there were results for each option. We can conclude that most of the members of the forum who responded were university students, who I hypothesised would be my target audience due to the topic of my documentary (urban exploration), so they were the perfect respondents for this survey.

Question 4 was asked simply to identify if there was a general interest in documentaries, and 80% of respondents said they preferred documentaries to music videos and short films. Question 5 was asked to identify what the generally preferred medium of learning about new films was, and although the results showed that the most popular choices were trailers and forums, I have decided to stick with my initial choices to create a poster and magazine article to promote my film, as I feel that the question was worded wrong. In my next questionnaire I will change the question to “Which medium do you feel is best for film advertisement?”, as the purpose of that question was to identify which medium would be best for advertising a film, not teaching a consumer about the details of the film.

Question 6 was asked to see which TV station was favoured by the masses, and the results unanimously showed that BBC1 was the top choice. E4 and Channel 4 also got some results. The result of question 7 showed that the respondents are mostly regular viewers of documentaries, so their opinions were well-rounded.

Question 8 received many different results; however the most popular choice was Planet Earth, which would explain why the results of question 9 showed that David Attenborough was the most popular presenter.

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